
there innocently. "Blue for boys, pink for girls", she said "These are not for boys!" I replied.

"I dont think the store will mind." She laughed.

don't we both look chic?"

"That's a matter of opinion." I grumbled.


I couldn't help worrying about someone seeing me in my present state. "When do I get my clothes back, I asked?


"Later, silly! Put on this negligee. so we can have


a cozy girl dinner. She said.

I now

Anything else she put on me was anticlimactic. thought nothing of stepping into a lacy negligee. In fact I even spun around a few times for her admiration. "You're a dear, Donald," she said as she skipped into the kitchen.

By the time we had finished dinner, somehow, the un usualness had passed and I was enjoying myself.

"Now a fashion show, with you as model. My clothes

will fit you," she said confidently,


"I don't know about that, I modestly protested. Joanne didn't even consider resistance as she took me by the hand and sat me down in front of her dressing table, The aroma of intoxicating perfume seemed to say, "Why re- sist, go ahead and enjoy the feminine exhileration."

Joanne deftly made up my face with her feminine crafts that turn girls into glamour mannequins. With a final dab of perfume on the ear. she called the face transformation complete. I got into the swirl of things when she busily picked out a girdle, nylons, slip, bouffant petticoat and high heel shoes.

At last, there I stood in splendor, in all her soft underthings, waiting like a sausage for its final covering. "You did pretty well, Donald. Here let me straighten your stocking seams. Now for the dress. How about a nice taffeta after five dress?"

"Would it make any difference if I wanted an after midnight dress?" I queried.


"Silly! Put your arms up. She slid the smooth taf- feta dress over my head. The zipper was fastened. I could feel that it fit very well. In my wiggly heels, I managed to walk over to the mirror on the door. For the sake of